
Wastra Indonesia London

  /  IKAT TEXTILES   /  The irresistible Savu ikat textiles

The irresistible Savu ikat textiles

Savu is one of Indonesia’s most isolated islands, located in the Lesser Sunda Islands, in the East Nusa Tenggara Province, and on this tiny island, they produce some of the most amazing ikat textiles from Indonesia.

Most of our textiles are made by female artisan weavers on the island, who belong to the Tewuni Rai Weavers Group, but some are made by members of the Mata Tulu Deo Savu weavers Group based in Kupang, the capital city of East Nusa Tenggara.

Our connection to the weavers comes from our love for traditional Indonesian textiles, and we have been working with them since 2014.

We believe preserving this beautiful art requires a balanced approach between cultural preservation and economic development, and this is our absolute goal.

Today, Indonesian weavers are facing many more challenges than ever before. The fast-changing culture of our world has forced them to change their lifestyles drastically. Our mission is to support the weavers to continue with their traditional textile weaving craft. We have been making some small contributions in providing markets for their textiles, providing free reading glasses for senior weavers, and encouraging/supporting them to create natural dye gardens.

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